I was touched by something I read this morning about grabbing life and running with it. The sentiment was that you have to make the most of every precious moment you’re here.
As a coach that would seem to be the message that you’d hear from me too. It might surprise you that my view is slightly different.
What about when your personal victories are seemingly more mundane?
If you suffer from depression, anxiety or any other mental health experience, getting out of bed in the morning and going about the seemingly everyday activities of life can feel like you’re being asked to climb a mountain.
On those days my prescription of support would be; lots of self-compassion for how you feel, followed by a dollop of kindness and a gentle self-hug of recognition that you’re doing the very best you can with where you are in the moment.
If on another day you feel inclined to grab the day and do something, that’s fabulous. But it’s not more fabulous than allowing yourself to be where you are and do what you can when a low mood is in town.
Those days will pass through, like clouds through the sky, but when they’re with you it’s OK to feel as you feel.